Smarter Senior Living

Free Education Resources For Senior Citizens

Are you a senior looking to learn a new skill or soak up new knowledge? Have a look at these free education resources for senior citizens.

As a senior citizen, you may struggle with something many people wish they had: Free time. Instead of sitting at home, you may want to use your newfound free time to broaden your horizons via new skills or advanced learning.

What can keep you from reaching such goals? Living on a fixed income if you are no longer working. In other words, not having a ton of money to invest in education.

Luckily, there are so many educational resources set aside for seniors that you may not have to invest a penny in your new knowledge quest. Here are some examples:

Your Local Library

You’re probably aware that you can find loads of free books at your nearest library. But did you know that libraries have evolved to become more community centers instead of just book checkouts? They sure have, and besides focusing on babies and children, they also offer plenty of resources for seniors.

You’ll have to check with your local library to see what they have to offer, but don’t be surprised if you find a bevy of free classes or courses that are educational, entertaining, or both.

Not only are such classes a great way to learn at no cost, but they’re also great social tools to get to know other seniors in your area.

Local Colleges and Universities

You can take advantage of courses at local colleges or universities in many ways. Some states offer free classes or tuition for senior citizens. You can also look for federal and state grants and scholarships that can reduce any out-of-pocket costs. Filling out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a solid step in this direction.

If all you’re concerned about is learning and staying active, you may be able to attend college classes by “auditing” them. This will let you participate, soak in the knowledge, and not have to worry about any tuition costs, testing, grades, etc.

Online Learning for Seniors

You can learn a new skill or gain access to information from your couch via online classes. Some universities, such as MIT, offer free lectures, videos, and more that allow you to get a top-notch education without paying a thing.

Through the MIT OpenCourseWare program, you can enjoy classes on such topics as life science, environment, energy, transportation, entrepreneurship, and more.

Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

If you’re over 55 and live on a minimal income, this program from the AARP can provide free job training. It’s ideal if you want to expand your skills to re-enter the workforce and compete against younger candidates.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes

Aside from local colleges and universities, you can use this nonprofit institute to take classes on art, history, music, philosophy, and more. As in a class audit situation, the courses will not involve college credit, and you won’t have to worry about exams or grades.

Volunteering with Nonprofit Organizations

You can learn new skills plus enjoy that rewarding feeling of helping others by volunteering with a local nonprofit organization. To volunteer, such organizations will often provide training to help you learn the skills needed to perform whatever services they offer.

You may find these opportunities with your local United Way, Salvation Army, or other organizations.

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Shelley E

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